

these grains
of sand of grains of
draws sand
these grains
draw sand
draw dunes
draw time
these grains
these grains of sand
form beaches
and deserts
in the stained glass
of the sacred
is the sands
draw sands
draw dunes of the lands
grains drifting
inching slowly
these grains
of melting lifeless mountains
of sand
burying our ancients
dispersing their memories
in grains
of sand
in waves
leeching shores
in bombs
from our wars
are sands
are our hands
sifting the lands
these grains
drain through fingers
to land
into the dunes of our hands
becoming our sands
our hands
draw dunes
draw time
these fingers
these fingers of our hands
form love
and make
made the stained glass
of the sacred
with our hands
draw hands
in hands
of comfort
in fingers
through art
in the shake
of peace
are hands
are but fingers
are but sand
are but grains
of the land

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